Tag: supreme court

The Palin Question Answered; Sotomayor Answer Confirmed

by on Jul.14, 2009, under National

I was not sure what to make of the Sarah Palin’s resignation in Alaska, and frankly, I was disappointed. I took it as a sign that she was fed up with the politics of politics.

I understood her frustration; anyone who has sought office has experienced the same. However, her op-ed in the Washington Post today established that she is not only (continue reading…)

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NCGOP Convention this weekend…

by on Jun.07, 2009, under North Carolina, Uncategorized

As North Carolina Republicans prepare for the 2009 State Convention next weekend, it is critical that we realize what is at stake: Nothing less than the greatest opportunity of our lifetime. It is the opportunity to get right what has gone wrong, to draw a sharp contrast with the current administration; the opportunity to get on the same page before it is too late; the opportunity to fix Republicanism- rest assured it is broken.

Unfortunately, these will not occur.

This weekend we will elect a new chairman, consider as many as 22 resolutions and go home. Frankly, I am frustrated with our candidates for Chair. We must, however, select (continue reading…)

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Guest Column: Apathy, Us & Sotomayor

by on Jun.03, 2009, under National

In the coming weeks as judge Sotomayor goes through the fire of confirmation as an US Supreme Court justice we should tune our ears to the rhetoric of both the left and the right. When we hear the screams of fear and foul play or the sweet voices of empathy and compassion, we must use our capacity for reasoning and detection to understand why those voices are being raised. We will hear more on the evils of policy making from the bench and personal agendas and biases. We will hear more of life experiences and overcoming hardship. But, does any of that matter? It’s hard to tell right now, yet here is how I see it.

It is the responsibility of our Supreme Court to (continue reading…)

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