Tag: sotomayor

The Republican Resurgence…

by on Jul.31, 2009, under GOP, National, North Carolina

After bombing in 2006 and 2008, expect a Republican resurgence in 2010. (How’s that for political insight?) The question is: Is it earned?

Obama’s approval rating is dropping rapidly, Rasmussian shows his current index at -12; and that makes the Democrat controlled Congress look good. The best poll that I’ve seen for Pelosi and Reid’s congress is at -23.

Obama and the liberals, as usual, have overreached. Their leadership offers no leadership for America. They have tried to force their agenda down the throats of Americans. Americans are (continue reading…)

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Guest Column: Apathy, Us & Sotomayor

by on Jun.03, 2009, under National

In the coming weeks as judge Sotomayor goes through the fire of confirmation as an US Supreme Court justice we should tune our ears to the rhetoric of both the left and the right. When we hear the screams of fear and foul play or the sweet voices of empathy and compassion, we must use our capacity for reasoning and detection to understand why those voices are being raised. We will hear more on the evils of policy making from the bench and personal agendas and biases. We will hear more of life experiences and overcoming hardship. But, does any of that matter? It’s hard to tell right now, yet here is how I see it.

It is the responsibility of our Supreme Court to (continue reading…)

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