Tag: Socialism

In his own words…

by on Jul.12, 2011, under National

With this statement today, the President outlined the moral argument regarding the debt ceiling debate, in fact succinctly explained his philosophy on the Constitution and Capitalism:

“… I will not accept, a deal in which I am asked to do nothing, in fact, I’m able to keep (continue reading…)

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Change you can count on…

by on Aug.05, 2009, under National, North Carolina

In 2008, America voted for CHANGE. How’s that change working out for you?

Last night, I attend a GOOOH meeting. Granted, I did not stay for the entire meeting, but I have some concerns about their objective. Their stated mission is to replace all 435 members of the US Congress.

This is a grass-roots, relatively conservative group- and I support their intent, as I do the 9-12 Project and the tea-parties. The objective is change. The question I have is: (continue reading…)

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Open letter to Republicans

by on Apr.03, 2009, under National, North Carolina

Open letter to Republicans

As President Obama continues to invent new ways to subvert the US Constitution and destroy Capitalism, the NC General Assembly appears to be marching in step-for-step time. 2009 will be a year to which generations of freedom-loving people shall point. A year in which we will see more clearly than ever before, the subversion of everything the Founders created, a bastardization of everything that has made America the greatest nation the world has ever known.

A perfect example is the proposed smoking ban in North Carolina. Many justify the ban based on the will of the majority, public health, or the general welfare. In reality, the sole issue is individual rights.

William Pitt stated, “Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.” There can be no question that necessity has been (continue reading…)

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