Tag: Politics

Talk about nail on the head…

by on Jul.01, 2009, under National

Though I have tried, Thomas Sowell hit the nail squarely on the head in the article below, far better than I have been able to.

The GOP is the only party that can lead, but the GOP cannot continue to offer alternative “solutions” that are only different versions of those presented from the other side; we must stand for something- we must stand for the Constitution, for the Individual, for Capitalism.

Anything less will ensure that the other side remains in control, and America continues a spiral into European Socialism.

Take a moment to read Sowell’s column, and let me know what you think…

Thomas Sowell in Shelby Star

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What’s going on in California?

by on May.21, 2009, under National

The far left coast has for years pandered to every special interest group, every organization, and every perceived need, except that of the smallest minority- the individual. On Tuesday, the individual fought back, and won… at least for a day.

California’s budget woes have been stated and restated, all the while ignored by the elected officials- which include “republican” Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and a democrat controlled legislature. Following the tax increases by the state last February, the legislature refused (continue reading…)

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Stars, Stripes and Rattlesnakes

by on May.04, 2009, under National

There may be nothing that brings a greater feeling of patriotism than the Stars and Stripes. Immortalized in song and memory; will anyone forget the emotion brought on by the display of flags everywhere on September 12, 2001; the Stars and Stripes Forever,  or our National Anthem, which is of course about the flag. Since its adoption on June 14, 1777, it has been a symbol of unity, a symbol of pride, and of freedom. Perhaps over time, we have made an idol of the flag, and in doing so, forgotten what it represents.

Some generations ago, the flag that brought about this loyalty looked much different. Although red, white and blue, there were no stars. In the years leading up to the Revolution, our Founding Fathers held to an allegiance to their king; one they believed was chosen (continue reading…)

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Open letter to Republicans

by on Apr.03, 2009, under National, North Carolina

Open letter to Republicans

As President Obama continues to invent new ways to subvert the US Constitution and destroy Capitalism, the NC General Assembly appears to be marching in step-for-step time. 2009 will be a year to which generations of freedom-loving people shall point. A year in which we will see more clearly than ever before, the subversion of everything the Founders created, a bastardization of everything that has made America the greatest nation the world has ever known.

A perfect example is the proposed smoking ban in North Carolina. Many justify the ban based on the will of the majority, public health, or the general welfare. In reality, the sole issue is individual rights.

William Pitt stated, “Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.” There can be no question that necessity has been (continue reading…)

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Random Thoughts

by on Mar.25, 2009, under Local, National, North Carolina

There was a good article in the Observer today by George Will, http://www.charlotteobserver.com/406/story/620066.html. There is nothing here that you don’t already know, but it is a good summary of the path that our nation is on.

I was asked last week, why I had an interest in politics. I think this article by Will suggests why we all should have an interest in politics- and be more motivated than ever before to be active. I am hopeful that the action being taken by (continue reading…)

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