Tag: Pelosi

Is the GOP prepared to lead?

by on Aug.22, 2009, under Local, National, North Carolina

Every day, I hear people discuss the need for change. Every poll that I have seen overwhelmingly suggests that the vast majority of people believe that we are on the wrong track. The President’s approval ratings are falling, though his popularity remains high; Congress’ is in the tank, and Governor Perdue has lost all credibility in North Carolina by continuing to argue for increased taxes in spite of her campaign statements.

Obama offered change, and by gosh, we got it. But it was not the change America thought it to be. So what is it the people of the nation and the state searching for? We The People seek (continue reading…)

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I think I’m in love…

by on Aug.11, 2009, under GOP, National

I think I’m in love Nancy Pelosi.

She is very nearly the perfect modern Democrat. Today in USA Today (which I never read), she explained that the House health care plan (which should be read “coverage”- not “care”) is good, and will be right when passed; she explains that (continue reading…)

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The Republican Resurgence…

by on Jul.31, 2009, under GOP, National, North Carolina

After bombing in 2006 and 2008, expect a Republican resurgence in 2010. (How’s that for political insight?) The question is: Is it earned?

Obama’s approval rating is dropping rapidly, Rasmussian shows his current index at -12; and that makes the Democrat controlled Congress look good. The best poll that I’ve seen for Pelosi and Reid’s congress is at -23.

Obama and the liberals, as usual, have overreached. Their leadership offers no leadership for America. They have tried to force their agenda down the throats of Americans. Americans are (continue reading…)

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Harry, Louise and Health Care

by on Jul.17, 2009, under National

I reviewed my copy of the US Constitution today. In it, I found a number of specific rights that are guaranteed to all Americans. These rights include the freedom of religion, speech, assembly, ownership of guns, unreasonable searches, and a number of others. It also guarantees the right to live (though not forever), to be free, and the opportunity to pursue that which makes one happy. I did not find a right to be taken care of. On the contrary, I did find a right to not (continue reading…)

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Stars, Stripes and Rattlesnakes

by on May.04, 2009, under National

There may be nothing that brings a greater feeling of patriotism than the Stars and Stripes. Immortalized in song and memory; will anyone forget the emotion brought on by the display of flags everywhere on September 12, 2001; the Stars and Stripes Forever,  or our National Anthem, which is of course about the flag. Since its adoption on June 14, 1777, it has been a symbol of unity, a symbol of pride, and of freedom. Perhaps over time, we have made an idol of the flag, and in doing so, forgotten what it represents.

Some generations ago, the flag that brought about this loyalty looked much different. Although red, white and blue, there were no stars. In the years leading up to the Revolution, our Founding Fathers held to an allegiance to their king; one they believed was chosen (continue reading…)

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