Tag: NC Senate

Reflections on a year in the General Assembly

by on Jan.02, 2013, under Freedom, Liberty, North Carolina

As time in Raleigh draws to a close a year after my appointment to the NC Senate, I find myself reflecting on three primary thoughts.

First, my confidence in North Carolina’s government is greater today than it was when I took office. I am struck by the caliber of individuals who serve on both sides of the isle. Most work for a living, many are small business owners; none are getting rich on the $13,951 salary. With few exceptions, these individuals sought office for the right reasons, and genuinely pursue what they believe to be in the best interest of North Carolina, even if their ideology is different from mine.

The leadership in both houses, from committee chairs to President Pro-Tempore Phil Berger and Rules Chairman Tom Apodaca in the Senate, and Speaker Thom Tillis and Rules Chair Tim Moore in the House, keep both chambers on an efficient schedule. They effectively guide positive legislation through both bodies. North Carolina has generally chosen well in her elected officials.

Second, the bureaucracy is worse than I imagined possible. I have sat through numerous committee meetings in which the asininity of the (continue reading…)

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The Election You Don’t Know About

by on Oct.18, 2012, under North Carolina

Early voting starts today. While polls show a number of people who are undecided about their choice, I’ve not found them. As I engage people, they are clearly decided about their choice for President and Governor; but virtually no one knows about the most important race on the ballot.

Years ago, our judicial races were partisan, in other words, the candidates ran as either Republicans or Democrats. At that time, the NC Supreme court was held by (continue reading…)

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