Tag: Liberty

The Fear of “WHAT IF?”

by on May.17, 2011, under Local, National, North Carolina

Following is an article by Jeff Austin.

What if? Two words that begin a multitude of questions; some exciting and positive, some full of stagnation and fear and limitations on the human spirit. We run into the byproduct of “What If” almost daily, most of us oblivious (continue reading…)

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Healthcare and the Delaware

by on Dec.30, 2009, under National

As Christmas 2009 came and went and I reflected on the Senate vote of Christmas Eve, my mind turned to a story first heard as a child- and the famous painting of it- Washington Crossing the Delaware. (continue reading…)

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Thoughts on the 4th- though not mine…

by on Jul.02, 2009, under Local, National, North Carolina

The following words are compiled in reflection of our nation’s founding, to be read as an editorial, plagiarized from our history. None of the following words are mine.

Proclaim liberty throughout the land…1that all men are by nature equally free and independent2 America is another name for opportunity. Our whole history appears like a last effort of divine providence on behalf of the human race.3 How little do my countrymen know what precious blessings they are in possession of, and which no other people on earth enjoy! You will never know how much it has cost (continue reading…)

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Stars, Stripes and Rattlesnakes

by on May.04, 2009, under National

There may be nothing that brings a greater feeling of patriotism than the Stars and Stripes. Immortalized in song and memory; will anyone forget the emotion brought on by the display of flags everywhere on September 12, 2001; the Stars and Stripes Forever,  or our National Anthem, which is of course about the flag. Since its adoption on June 14, 1777, it has been a symbol of unity, a symbol of pride, and of freedom. Perhaps over time, we have made an idol of the flag, and in doing so, forgotten what it represents.

Some generations ago, the flag that brought about this loyalty looked much different. Although red, white and blue, there were no stars. In the years leading up to the Revolution, our Founding Fathers held to an allegiance to their king; one they believed was chosen (continue reading…)

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