Tag: Jefferson

Healthcare and the Delaware

by on Dec.30, 2009, under National

As Christmas 2009 came and went and I reflected on the Senate vote of Christmas Eve, my mind turned to a story first heard as a child- and the famous painting of it- Washington Crossing the Delaware. (continue reading…)

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Guest Column: Apathy, Us & Sotomayor

by on Jun.03, 2009, under National

In the coming weeks as judge Sotomayor goes through the fire of confirmation as an US Supreme Court justice we should tune our ears to the rhetoric of both the left and the right. When we hear the screams of fear and foul play or the sweet voices of empathy and compassion, we must use our capacity for reasoning and detection to understand why those voices are being raised. We will hear more on the evils of policy making from the bench and personal agendas and biases. We will hear more of life experiences and overcoming hardship. But, does any of that matter? It’s hard to tell right now, yet here is how I see it.

It is the responsibility of our Supreme Court to (continue reading…)

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Random Thoughts

by on Mar.25, 2009, under Local, National, North Carolina

There was a good article in the Observer today by George Will, http://www.charlotteobserver.com/406/story/620066.html. There is nothing here that you don’t already know, but it is a good summary of the path that our nation is on.

I was asked last week, why I had an interest in politics. I think this article by Will suggests why we all should have an interest in politics- and be more motivated than ever before to be active. I am hopeful that the action being taken by (continue reading…)

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