Tag: Health Care

Dude, Where’s My Freedom?

by on Jun.14, 2011, under National

A good take on Freedom by Dr. Paul Hsieh; from Pajamas Media:

Benjamin Franklin once warned Americans that “they who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security.” Yet in the seemingly unrelated areas of health care and physical security, our political leaders are embracing this folly with predictably bad results.

In the realm of health care, the (continue reading…)

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Healthcare and the Delaware

by on Dec.30, 2009, under National

As Christmas 2009 came and went and I reflected on the Senate vote of Christmas Eve, my mind turned to a story first heard as a child- and the famous painting of it- Washington Crossing the Delaware. (continue reading…)

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Great response to Obama-care

by on Sep.10, 2009, under Uncategorized

Well stated, clear and simple. If you spent an hour with the President tonight, this is a must read… http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2009/08/a_doctor_responds_to_obamas_ny.html

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Rachael Meddow and Congressman Weiner

by on Sep.09, 2009, under Uncategorized

Periodically I watch MSNBC. It helps me to ground myself; sometimes I feel like I’m a radical- part of Hillary’s “Right Wing Conspiracy”. MSNBC establishes my objection to the federal government as truly American.

Tonight, Rachael Maddow referred to me as a “tenther”- one who actually believes that the 10th Amendment to the US Constitution prevents the federal government from taking over nearly (continue reading…)

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A perfect statement on health care

by on Aug.11, 2009, under National

I wish I had written it.

From Jeff Scialabba, a writer with the Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights: “A ‘uniquely American’ government health care plan is (continue reading…)

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Germane to the debate?

by on Aug.11, 2009, under National

This video from Hal Weatherman explains the problem in Washington.


It’s nice to know that there are some in the capital (even if only a few) that get it.

Hal has a good blog, with a lot of good and reliable information. Take a look halweatherman.com.

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I think I’m in love…

by on Aug.11, 2009, under GOP, National

I think I’m in love Nancy Pelosi.

She is very nearly the perfect modern Democrat. Today in USA Today (which I never read), she explained that the House health care plan (which should be read “coverage”- not “care”) is good, and will be right when passed; she explains that (continue reading…)

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Another fishy blog?

by on Aug.07, 2009, under National

I knew something smelled funny,  I though it was the President’s policies.

“The thought police would get him just the same. He had committed–would have committed, even if he had never set pen to paper–the essential crime that contained (continue reading…)

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The Missed Point of Health Care Reform

by on Jul.19, 2009, under National

This week’s discussions regarding President Obama’s health care reform plan have been well covered, with the debate revolving around Obama’s projection of costs and savings and that of the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office. Reports have been plentiful, so I will not review here.

The Democrats are again controlling the debate. All of the talk about the plan centers on the cost of the plan: whether or not the CBO takes into account the savings that (continue reading…)

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Harry, Louise and Health Care

by on Jul.17, 2009, under National

I reviewed my copy of the US Constitution today. In it, I found a number of specific rights that are guaranteed to all Americans. These rights include the freedom of religion, speech, assembly, ownership of guns, unreasonable searches, and a number of others. It also guarantees the right to live (though not forever), to be free, and the opportunity to pursue that which makes one happy. I did not find a right to be taken care of. On the contrary, I did find a right to not (continue reading…)

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