North Carolina

The Republican Resurgence…

by on Jul.31, 2009, under GOP, National, North Carolina

After bombing in 2006 and 2008, expect a Republican resurgence in 2010. (How’s that for political insight?) The question is: Is it earned?

Obama’s approval rating is dropping rapidly, Rasmussian shows his current index at -12; and that makes the Democrat controlled Congress look good. The best poll that I’ve seen for Pelosi and Reid’s congress is at -23.

Obama and the liberals, as usual, have overreached. Their leadership offers no leadership for America. They have tried to force their agenda down the throats of Americans. Americans are (continue reading…)

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Republicanism in Action?

by on Jul.29, 2009, under GOP, National, North Carolina

There is an often circulated statement within Republican circles, called “I am a Republican Because…” An amended statement follows this post.

But what of this statement, or the party platform for that matter? What relevance do these statements have in today’s GOP; just what does it really mean to be a Republican? (continue reading…)

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Thoughts on the 4th- though not mine…

by on Jul.02, 2009, under Local, National, North Carolina

The following words are compiled in reflection of our nation’s founding, to be read as an editorial, plagiarized from our history. None of the following words are mine.

Proclaim liberty throughout the land…1that all men are by nature equally free and independent2 America is another name for opportunity. Our whole history appears like a last effort of divine providence on behalf of the human race.3 How little do my countrymen know what precious blessings they are in possession of, and which no other people on earth enjoy! You will never know how much it has cost (continue reading…)

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Health Care and the Marketplace

by on Jun.24, 2009, under National, North Carolina

Last weekend, at the Republican Convention in Raleigh, my wife was struck with appendicitis. I took her to the hospital at 7PM Saturday evening, before noon on Sunday, she had an appendectomy. By Wednesday, she was back at work, with only minor aggravation, so all is well.

During the day on Saturday, I had a growing suspicion of her problem, and with the input of a retired physician friend in attendance, had fairly well diagnosed the condition. I had also inquired of another friend the best hospital in which to take her.

Upon arrival at the hospital, I was shocked, and even wondered if I had (continue reading…)

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The Ascendancy Renewed…

by on Jun.15, 2009, under North Carolina

Two important events occurred this weekend that are worth noting. Neither solves all concerns, but both give hope.

With one of the largest GOP Conventions in NC history, the 2009 Convention this weekend left no question that the Grand Old Party is alive and well in North Carolina. And, judging from the number first-time delegates in attendance, we are all fed up with the GOP’s move-to-center and the (continue reading…)

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NCGOP Convention this weekend…

by on Jun.07, 2009, under North Carolina, Uncategorized

As North Carolina Republicans prepare for the 2009 State Convention next weekend, it is critical that we realize what is at stake: Nothing less than the greatest opportunity of our lifetime. It is the opportunity to get right what has gone wrong, to draw a sharp contrast with the current administration; the opportunity to get on the same page before it is too late; the opportunity to fix Republicanism- rest assured it is broken.

Unfortunately, these will not occur.

This weekend we will elect a new chairman, consider as many as 22 resolutions and go home. Frankly, I am frustrated with our candidates for Chair. We must, however, select (continue reading…)

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A Memorial Day email worth a forward

by on May.22, 2009, under Local, National, North Carolina

I’ve recently received several copies of an email that is circulating. Most of the forwards that I receive are not worth my time to read; this one however is different- and worth consideration this weekend, though I take one exception to it.

It is the veteran, not the preacher, who has given us freedom of religion.
It is the veteran, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press.
It is the veteran, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.
It is the veteran, not the campus organizer who has given us freedom to assemble.
It is the veteran, not the lawyer, who has given us the right to a fair trial.
It is the veteran, not the politician, who has given us the right to vote.

The exception that I will take is (continue reading…)

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Open letter to Republicans

by on Apr.03, 2009, under National, North Carolina

Open letter to Republicans

As President Obama continues to invent new ways to subvert the US Constitution and destroy Capitalism, the NC General Assembly appears to be marching in step-for-step time. 2009 will be a year to which generations of freedom-loving people shall point. A year in which we will see more clearly than ever before, the subversion of everything the Founders created, a bastardization of everything that has made America the greatest nation the world has ever known.

A perfect example is the proposed smoking ban in North Carolina. Many justify the ban based on the will of the majority, public health, or the general welfare. In reality, the sole issue is individual rights.

William Pitt stated, “Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.” There can be no question that necessity has been (continue reading…)

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Random Thoughts

by on Mar.25, 2009, under Local, National, North Carolina

There was a good article in the Observer today by George Will, There is nothing here that you don’t already know, but it is a good summary of the path that our nation is on.

I was asked last week, why I had an interest in politics. I think this article by Will suggests why we all should have an interest in politics- and be more motivated than ever before to be active. I am hopeful that the action being taken by (continue reading…)

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Three good reasons to vote on Tuesday

by on Apr.20, 2008, under Local, National, North Carolina

The North Carolina Primary will be May 6th, one of the last in the nation. Aside from an insignificant challenge to solidly conservative Congressman Patrick McHenry, and the Kelly Hastings race in House 110, (in which the recent BOE ruling will be appealed), what purpose is there for a conservative to vote?

Four candidates are on the ballot for governor, but all polls show a two-way race between Senator Fred Smith and Charlotte Mayor Pat McCrory. I know and respect all, and believe that North Carolina would be well served by any of the four. However, I believe that (continue reading…)

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