North Carolina

After 54 years, and 7 million copies…

by on Apr.15, 2011, under National, North Carolina

54 years after it was written, and 7 million copies sold (half million last year alone), Atlas Shrugged, the movie, will premier tomorrow at over 300 theaters nationwide (The King’s Speech premiered at 4). Shrugged is ranked as the second most influential book (the Bible was first) in people’s lives in a survey by the Library of Congress. Here is an interesting look behind the scenes, “Who is John Galt” from Reason Magazine.

Click here to see where Shrugged is showing.
Click here to watch the trailer.

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First in Freedom

by on Apr.13, 2011, under North Carolina

Today marks the 235th anniversary of a forgotten, but significant date in American history. On the twelfth of April in 1776, the Fourth Provincial Congress of one colony unanimously passed a measure instructing its delegates to the Continental Congress to (continue reading…)

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Message from Henry Rearden

by on Apr.12, 2011, under National, North Carolina

Exercise power over your own life, a new message from Henry Rearden.

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NC & SC Theaters showing Shrugged

by on Apr.06, 2011, under National, North Carolina

Following are theaters in NC & SC showing Atlas Shrugged (continue reading…)

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And thus a new step…

by on Mar.14, 2011, under GOP, Local, North Carolina

Following is the Chairman’s report to the Cleveland County Republican Convention on Saturday March 12, 2011. The bulk of the comments differentiate the role of a party officer from that of an activist. This clarification is important, given the District Chairman’s support of a Democrat candidate over a qualified Republican candidate in the 2010 elections, and the subsequent damage done to the local party. As you will read in the postscript, damage to the party continues.

“We began 2010 with several goals. While we did not accomplish our entire mission, none could say that 2010 was not a successful year for the Cleveland County GOP.

“Due to your efforts, and that of others, Senator Burr and Representative Moore (continue reading…)

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The Shelby Dynasty today…

by on Jan.22, 2011, under North Carolina

As the General Assembly convenes this week, the prominence of Cleveland County in this assembly is reminiscent of the political history of our county.

From Governor Gardner’s election in 1928 through the early 1960’s, Cleveland County essentially ran (continue reading…)

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It Appears that Political Games may be Afoot

by on Jan.13, 2011, under Local, North Carolina

Scheduled this week in Cleveland County was the first of a series of public discussions on a plan to save the taxpayers of the county 63% of the cost of each election, which can be as much as $100,000 in some years. In addition to the savings to the taxpayers, the plan would increase the integrity of the elections process and reduce potential confusion of where to vote. I have some questions about the plan, (continue reading…)

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Is the GOP prepared to lead?

by on Aug.22, 2009, under Local, National, North Carolina

Every day, I hear people discuss the need for change. Every poll that I have seen overwhelmingly suggests that the vast majority of people believe that we are on the wrong track. The President’s approval ratings are falling, though his popularity remains high; Congress’ is in the tank, and Governor Perdue has lost all credibility in North Carolina by continuing to argue for increased taxes in spite of her campaign statements.

Obama offered change, and by gosh, we got it. But it was not the change America thought it to be. So what is it the people of the nation and the state searching for? We The People seek (continue reading…)

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Change you can count on…

by on Aug.05, 2009, under National, North Carolina

In 2008, America voted for CHANGE. How’s that change working out for you?

Last night, I attend a GOOOH meeting. Granted, I did not stay for the entire meeting, but I have some concerns about their objective. Their stated mission is to replace all 435 members of the US Congress.

This is a grass-roots, relatively conservative group- and I support their intent, as I do the 9-12 Project and the tea-parties. The objective is change. The question I have is: (continue reading…)

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