
Fun, but good point

by on Aug.06, 2009, under Local, National

Following is adapted from an email currently circulating. It makes a good point…

Teaching Economics In 1950’s
A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is 4/5 of the price. What is his profit?

Teaching Economics in 1960’s
A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is 4/5 of the price, or $80. What is his profit?

Teaching Economics in 1970’s
A logger sells a (continue reading…)

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Change you can count on…

by on Aug.05, 2009, under National, North Carolina

In 2008, America voted for CHANGE. How’s that change working out for you?

Last night, I attend a GOOOH meeting. Granted, I did not stay for the entire meeting, but I have some concerns about their objective. Their stated mission is to replace all 435 members of the US Congress.

This is a grass-roots, relatively conservative group- and I support their intent, as I do the 9-12 Project and the tea-parties. The objective is change. The question I have is: (continue reading…)

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The Republican Resurgence…

by on Jul.31, 2009, under GOP, National, North Carolina

After bombing in 2006 and 2008, expect a Republican resurgence in 2010. (How’s that for political insight?) The question is: Is it earned?

Obama’s approval rating is dropping rapidly, Rasmussian shows his current index at -12; and that makes the Democrat controlled Congress look good. The best poll that I’ve seen for Pelosi and Reid’s congress is at -23.

Obama and the liberals, as usual, have overreached. Their leadership offers no leadership for America. They have tried to force their agenda down the throats of Americans. Americans are (continue reading…)

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Republicanism in Action?

by on Jul.29, 2009, under GOP, National, North Carolina

There is an often circulated statement within Republican circles, called “I am a Republican Because…” An amended statement follows this post.

But what of this statement, or the party platform for that matter? What relevance do these statements have in today’s GOP; just what does it really mean to be a Republican? (continue reading…)

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Guest Column: safe, legal and what?

by on Jul.22, 2009, under National

The following presents an excellent argument regarding abortion, and is reprinted with permission from (a site worth a look):

For the libs, a question:  Abortion, we are told, should be “safe, legal and rare.”

Why “rare”?  Why not routine?

When Obama describes abortion as a “heart-wrenching” decision, why is this so?  Why is it any different than trying to pick out a pair of shoes to wear?

You either believe it’s (continue reading…)

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The Missed Point of Health Care Reform

by on Jul.19, 2009, under National

This week’s discussions regarding President Obama’s health care reform plan have been well covered, with the debate revolving around Obama’s projection of costs and savings and that of the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office. Reports have been plentiful, so I will not review here.

The Democrats are again controlling the debate. All of the talk about the plan centers on the cost of the plan: whether or not the CBO takes into account the savings that (continue reading…)

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Harry, Louise and Health Care

by on Jul.17, 2009, under National

I reviewed my copy of the US Constitution today. In it, I found a number of specific rights that are guaranteed to all Americans. These rights include the freedom of religion, speech, assembly, ownership of guns, unreasonable searches, and a number of others. It also guarantees the right to live (though not forever), to be free, and the opportunity to pursue that which makes one happy. I did not find a right to be taken care of. On the contrary, I did find a right to not (continue reading…)

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The Palin Question Answered; Sotomayor Answer Confirmed

by on Jul.14, 2009, under National

I was not sure what to make of the Sarah Palin’s resignation in Alaska, and frankly, I was disappointed. I took it as a sign that she was fed up with the politics of politics.

I understood her frustration; anyone who has sought office has experienced the same. However, her op-ed in the Washington Post today established that she is not only (continue reading…)

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O’er the Land of the Free?

by on Jul.06, 2009, under National

As I stood for the National Anthem at a salute to veterans this weekend the question at the end of the first verse struck me in an unusual way, “…does the Star Spangled Banner yet wave, o’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?”

I have always though it appropriate that our National Anthem ended in a question, because in a free society the question always presents itself- shall we be free tomorrow? This question will always be with us, because freedom requires the action of the people.

Many sing without hearing the words thus they do not realize that ours is the only national song that ends with such a question. Those who do know that the final stanza answers the question, and assume as I traditionally have, the answer to be yes. But this day in 2009, I must admit that a lump rose in my throat as the song ended… it is difficult today to say that the banner does indeed wave over the land of the free.

Freedom can be defined simply as the lack of the physical coercion of another. This of course does not mean that the rights of your neighbor do not limit what you can do; he has the right to defend his property. But, to be free, he may not force you to (continue reading…)

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Thoughts on the 4th- though not mine…

by on Jul.02, 2009, under Local, National, North Carolina

The following words are compiled in reflection of our nation’s founding, to be read as an editorial, plagiarized from our history. None of the following words are mine.

Proclaim liberty throughout the land…1that all men are by nature equally free and independent2 America is another name for opportunity. Our whole history appears like a last effort of divine providence on behalf of the human race.3 How little do my countrymen know what precious blessings they are in possession of, and which no other people on earth enjoy! You will never know how much it has cost (continue reading…)

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