
Healthcare and the Delaware

by on Dec.30, 2009, under National

As Christmas 2009 came and went and I reflected on the Senate vote of Christmas Eve, my mind turned to a story first heard as a child- and the famous painting of it- Washington Crossing the Delaware. (continue reading…)

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How the Freedom to Contract Protects Insurability

by on Sep.16, 2009, under National

Suppose you ran a restaurant that offered an all-you-can-eat lunch buffet. For a modest price, customers could help themselves to as much as they wanted from a variety of your dishes. But you also set certain restrictions—for instance, customers were forbidden to share their food with other customers or take food off the premises (no “doggie bags”). Most people would find such rules completely reasonable.

Read the full article at The Objectivst Standard.

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Is the GOP prepared to lead?

by on Aug.22, 2009, under Local, National, North Carolina

Every day, I hear people discuss the need for change. Every poll that I have seen overwhelmingly suggests that the vast majority of people believe that we are on the wrong track. The President’s approval ratings are falling, though his popularity remains high; Congress’ is in the tank, and Governor Perdue has lost all credibility in North Carolina by continuing to argue for increased taxes in spite of her campaign statements.

Obama offered change, and by gosh, we got it. But it was not the change America thought it to be. So what is it the people of the nation and the state searching for? We The People seek (continue reading…)

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Clunkers, Health Care and Uncle Sam

by on Aug.20, 2009, under National

Have you noticed any correlation between the “Cash for Clunkers” program and health care reform?

Some months ago, there was a crisis in America: US auto makers were in trouble. Uncle Sam’s solution was to provide billions of dollars to carry Chrysler and GM through the troubled times. This did not prevent the bankruptcy of both companies and the subsequent revision of bankruptcy law to (continue reading…)

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A perfect statement on health care

by on Aug.11, 2009, under National

I wish I had written it.

From Jeff Scialabba, a writer with the Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights: “A ‘uniquely American’ government health care plan is (continue reading…)

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Germane to the debate?

by on Aug.11, 2009, under National

This video from Hal Weatherman explains the problem in Washington.

It’s nice to know that there are some in the capital (even if only a few) that get it.

Hal has a good blog, with a lot of good and reliable information. Take a look

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Still shrugging? You bet!

by on Aug.11, 2009, under GOP, Local, National

Great review…

My mom gave me “Shrugged” for my 8th grade summer reading project. Granted, I only read part of it that year, but I’ve read it every year for the past decade. I gave the same copy to my son for his 8th grade reading project, a tradition worth passing along. “Shrugged” should be required reading in high school; Rand’s works are required for my political support.

For more information on Ayn Rand or Objectivism, see the links on FreeSnake or visit

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I think I’m in love…

by on Aug.11, 2009, under GOP, National

I think I’m in love Nancy Pelosi.

She is very nearly the perfect modern Democrat. Today in USA Today (which I never read), she explained that the House health care plan (which should be read “coverage”- not “care”) is good, and will be right when passed; she explains that (continue reading…)

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Another fishy blog?

by on Aug.07, 2009, under National

I knew something smelled funny,  I though it was the President’s policies.

“The thought police would get him just the same. He had committed–would have committed, even if he had never set pen to paper–the essential crime that contained (continue reading…)

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