
Obama’s Taxing Psychology

by on Apr.24, 2012, under National


If the president is serious about making the rich pay their “fair share”—as opposed to scoring political points in an election year—he needs the Gandhi Rule, not the Buffett Rule. In other words, he ought to apply the Gandhi quote that he repeated ad nauseam during his first campaign—“Be the change you wish to see”—to his own tax returns… more

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Manufacturing an Economic Myth

by on Mar.19, 2012, under National

…if nostalgia were a sound guide to economic policy, we should be building Studebakers and rotary telephones. Neither Santorum nor Obama seems to grasp the realities of manufacturing in 21st-century America. Read the complete article at Reason Magazine…

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Five Leadership Mistakes of the Galactic Empire

by on Mar.12, 2012, under National

Great read from Forbes, particularly for any manager:
…in thinking about Star Wars, let’s leave the prequels behind and focus on the original trilogy. It occurs to me that the Star Wars films have a lot to teach us about leadership styles. In particular, the Galactic Empire strikes me as a quintessential example of how not to effectively run an organization. Let’s take a look at five of the Empire’s biggest mistakes and see how you can avoid them in your own organization. …more


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What We Owe Steve Jobs

by on Oct.06, 2011, under National

From Yaron Brook and Don Watkins in Forbes:

Watching the world mourn Steve Jobs, we are reminded of how massive crowds of Americans used to gather to celebrate the launch of a new bridge or a new railroad. There is a widespread recognition that Jobs was a creative genius who changed our world profoundly and for the better. Even President Obama, not usually given to praising businessmen, said that Jobs “transformed our lives, redefined entire industries, and achieved one of the rarest feats in human history: he changed the way each of us sees the world.”

All of this raises an important and to-date unasked question: what do we owe Jobs and productive geniuses like him?

For one, we owe them gratitude, which we do not always give them–Jobs, here, is the exception that proves the rule. But we owe them something more than that, something not even Jobs has received. We owe them the… more

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Liberals, take hope: An option to ‘compromise’.

by on Aug.15, 2011, under National

According to President Obama, many Americans believe the GOP, TEA partiers and other rational people should ‘compromise’ and support tax increases, rather than supporting a freeze or reduction federal spending.

While Republicans held firm and did not increase taxes, liberals and other non-capitalists can take heart. Our government has provided the means by which each of these Americans can pay additional monies to support their favorite government department or agency by clicking here

I strongly encourage everyone who believes revenue or compromise is the best solution to the spending crisis, to make regular and generous donations; true believers can set up reoccurring payments.

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The Emperor’s New Suit- 2011 Edition

by on Jul.16, 2011, under National

Article by my good friend and friend of liberty, Guy Smith:

As I listen to everybody from the White House to the Congress to the media to Joe Public talk about the current coming “disaster” of the debt ceiling deadline I am reminded of a short story written in 1837 by Hans Christian Anderson called “The Emperor’s New Suit”. For those you unfamiliar, the story is about an all (continue reading…)

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