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News from the Strategic Nut Reserve

by on Jun.25, 2011, under Uncategorized

From The Last Embassy:

In a move to boost economic activity the Supreme Squirrel announced from the Oval Patio he has determined that releasing nuts from the Strategic Nut Reserve will alleviate current nut supply problems and drive down the price of nuts. However, the Supreme Squirrel… more

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Dude, Where’s My Freedom?

by on Jun.14, 2011, under National

A good take on Freedom by Dr. Paul Hsieh; from Pajamas Media:

Benjamin Franklin once warned Americans that “they who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security.” Yet in the seemingly unrelated areas of health care and physical security, our political leaders are embracing this folly with predictably bad results.

In the realm of health care, the (continue reading…)

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Atlas Shrugged Part 2, Fall 2012

by on Jun.12, 2011, under National

Atlas Productions, LLC announced today the launch of its official Atlas Shrugged Part 2 Movie Website:

Producer Harmon Kaslow stated “The level of community involvement on the Atlas Shrugged Part 1 Website was tremendous. Site traffic leading up to release day was consistently high – in the 300,000 pageviews per day range. On April 15, 2011, however, the day the movie was released, we amazingly served up over 1.6 million.” (continue reading…)

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A Few Thoughts on My First Objectivist Convention

by on May.29, 2011, under Uncategorized

This weekend, I attended my first Objectivist convention, ATLOScon, sponsored by the Atlanta Objectivist Society. In short: Wow.

I attended (continue reading…)

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It’s not gotten much press, but…

by on May.18, 2011, under National

Just wanted to be sure you’ve heard, I’ve decided (continue reading…)

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The Fear of “WHAT IF?”

by on May.17, 2011, under Local, National, North Carolina

Following is an article by Jeff Austin.

What if? Two words that begin a multitude of questions; some exciting and positive, some full of stagnation and fear and limitations on the human spirit. We run into the byproduct of “What If” almost daily, most of us oblivious (continue reading…)

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The Wisdom of a Bypass of the Bypass

by on May.04, 2011, under Local

Most of my adult life, I have heard about the plans for the bypass of the Shelby, NC bypass. I’ve never been sure what to call a bypass’ bypass, and have never really understood the purpose of it.

We’re told that the bypass of the bypass will benefit Cleveland County economically, and I have no doubt that it would bring increased (continue reading…)

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The Radicalness of Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged”

by on Apr.26, 2011, under National

By Dr. Onkar Ghate, senior fellow at the Ayn Rand Center. Published April 25, 2011 at

If you’ve seen the new “Atlas Shrugged” movie but haven’t yet read the book, you may be wondering what the novel itself has to offer.

For most people, reading “Atlas Shrugged” is an unforgettable experience. The story is gripping, involving numerous mysteries and unexpected but logical plot twists. The characters are unique–what other book features a philosopher turned pirate? And the writing is that rarest of combinations: at once clear and deep. But for many readers, “Atlas” is even more: it’s life-changing.

How can a novel exert this powerful an effect? Because in its pages Ayn Rand forces you to look at the world anew… Read the entire article at

Also see:
Movie Trailer
NC and SC Theatres Showing Shrugged
Learn more about Atlas Shrugged
Read Chapters 1 and 2 online
Official Shrugged Movie Page

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Atlas Shrugged Movie Review

by on Apr.16, 2011, under National, North Carolina

Finally, at 7:35 Friday evening, I situated myself in a crowded Charlotte theater with popcorn and a coke, prepared to be… honestly, I wasn’t sure. After reading Atlas Shrugged some fifteen (continue reading…)

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After 54 years, and 7 million copies…

by on Apr.15, 2011, under National, North Carolina

54 years after it was written, and 7 million copies sold (half million last year alone), Atlas Shrugged, the movie, will premier tomorrow at over 300 theaters nationwide (The King’s Speech premiered at 4). Shrugged is ranked as the second most influential book (the Bible was first) in people’s lives in a survey by the Library of Congress. Here is an interesting look behind the scenes, “Who is John Galt” from Reason Magazine.

Click here to see where Shrugged is showing.
Click here to watch the trailer.

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