2010 Election…

by on Nov.01, 2010, under Uncategorized

This election ultimately comes down to ideology, and the Democrats just don’t get it.

President Obama and the Democrats have led us down a path of excessive government spending, growth and intervention; bail-outs, ObamaCare, the takeover of major industries, and virtual take-over of banking and finance, while millions of cannot find jobs or support their families. The Obama Team has stifled job growth by growing government instead.

This election we can reject the Obama Team, and instead choose a Jobs Team. The Jobs Team gets it. The Jobs Team wants to set the individual free to pursue his own potential– without excessive interference of government.

Senator Burr and Congressman McHenry fought against ObamaCare, tried to stop the bailout, and were among the handful that stopped cap-and-trade. We need both as rational voices of opposition to the President’s policies.

The Democrats in Raleigh certainly don’t get it.

North Carolina is the highest taxed state in the Southeast. We have lost our manufacturing base, yet state government continues to grow under the leadership of Perdue, Hackney and Basnight. But, there is hope. If recent polling is accurate, Senator Clary will hold a significant leadership position in a Republican majority Senate; as will Representative Moore in a Republican-led House. With added votes from Hastings and Hager, North Carolina will have the leadership to effectively deal with the $3 billion-plus budget shortfall that the Democrats chose to ignore. To see the plans of a Republican majority, see “100 Days That Will Change North Carolina”, at www.ccgop.com.

And it seems they don’t get it at home, either.

Cleveland County has one of the highest tax rates in North Carolina, yet we remain near the top in unemployment – as we have for years. Yet, while President Obama forced a take-over of healthcare, our county commission voted to grant healthcare to county commissioners after 10 years of service. Were they not listening to the debate? They certainly were not listening to the people.

Jason Falls and Phil Brafford get it. A Republican majority on our commission will work to reduce the tax burden on folk’s in Cleveland County, while taking pro-active steps to bring jobs back. Don Allen gets it, too. A former SBI agent, Don will bring a unique perspective to the Sheriff’s office, and will serve the people.

There is far more at stake this year. Many judges “interpret” the law, rather than follow it. These are courts that take away the individual rights they should defend. My votes are for those committed to follow the Constitution. I’m voting for Judge Jackson for Supreme Court, and for Court of Appeals, Judge Steelman, Judge Calabria, Judge Elmore and Dean Poirier. In the instant runoff seat, my first choice is for Judge McCullough, then Garner and either Dillon or Farlow.

Maybe this year, we will elect a majority of folks that do get it; public servants that understand limited government; government responsible to the people. The choice is clear: The Obama Team or the Jobs Team.

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