Final Election thoughts…

by on Oct.30, 2008, under Local, National

Eight years ago, the son of a former president was able to pull together tremendous national resources to ensure no one would compete in a significant way for the GOP nomination. Bush grudgingly won the support of conservatives by defining himself a “Compassionate Conservative”.

Since, Bush has turned his back on the Conservative agenda. September 11 was the defining moment of his administration. He handled the moment well, but subsequent decisions have left the majority of the nation with resentment of his presidency. From the “Patriot” Act to the nationalization of banks, the Bush legacy is hardly that of a Conservative.

The American people expected more, and have rewarded Bush with an approval rating only marginally higher than Congress, led by Democrat buffoons Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. There no wonder that the majority of Americans are frustrated with both national parties. I expected it of the national Democrats. I did not expect it of Republicans.

So, as a thoroughly frustrated conservative, why should I vote for McCain or any other Republican this year? I’ll share 4 critical reasons:

  1. Barack Obama. His lack of experience, friends like Rev. Wright and Tony Resco, his support of the economic philosophy of Marx over that of Smith… suffice it to say that while I have more than a few concerns about McCain, Obama will not become the leader of the free world with my help.
  2. Debbie Clary. When Election Day arrives, the Raleigh Democrat establishment will have dumped nearly a half million dollars into Cleveland and Rutherford Counties for the sole purpose of distorting Clary’s record beyond recognition. Their strategy is to make the option of Clary seem worse than that of Melton. I know better. I know Debbie’s background as a small-businessperson, her experience as a legislator, and I know her votes: Always against tax increases, always for jobs and worker re-training, property rights, gun rights, security for our children and elderly.
    Debbie Clary is giving up an important seat in the NC House, to bring conservative leadership to the NC Senate. Republicans have never held a majority in the Senate, but may gain control of that body this year. This change will make a significant- and positive-difference in the direction that our state will move. Clary’s is the single most important race in facilitating this change. The other side knows this, and is doing everything possible to defeat her. That can’t happen- we need Debbie in Raleigh.
  3. Jason Falls. A small-businessman and staunch conservative with deep Cleveland County roots, Jason will be a welcome breath of fresh air to the Commission. The incumbent Republicans, Ronnie Hawkins and Johnny Hutchins have served well in the minority; the addition of Jason Falls will provide a majority of conservatives, granting the opportunity for the change we need at the local level. Besides, Hawkins, Hutchins and Falls have shown the good judgment to vote against Obama and for Clary.
  4. Judges. 2 parts here. First: If the polls are right and Obama becomes president, he will make 2 or 3 Supreme Court appointments- Justices that will interpret the constitution to suit his political agenda for the next 30 years. It is critical that NC have Elizabeth Dole to vote against these nominees on our behalf; her opponent will vote to ratify. Second: NC Judicial candidates. These are non-partisan races, but there are some clearly conservative choices. My choice for NC Supreme Court is Robert Edmunds; for Court of Appeals I’m going with Barrett, Farlow, Hunter and McCullough. With these votes I will have done my part to protect the integrity of our Constitution.

There are a number of other races on the ballot, and some additional races in Rutherford County- not the least of which is Robynn Spence’s race for Clerk of Court- and I think clear choices in all. But if we do not get these four correct, I’m concerned that we will continue to move down a road that all will agree has been the wrong path. The fact is, we have two choices in this election- we will either support The Obama Team or the Jobs Team. In spite of my frustration with what is a year of ugly politics, too much mail, too many phone calls and sometimes poor choices, these are my motivations this year.

I wish you the best, and look forward to a victorious day on Tuesday.

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