Change you can count on…

by on Aug.05, 2009, under National, North Carolina

In 2008, America voted for CHANGE. How’s that change working out for you?

Last night, I attend a GOOOH meeting. Granted, I did not stay for the entire meeting, but I have some concerns about their objective. Their stated mission is to replace all 435 members of the US Congress.

This is a grass-roots, relatively conservative group- and I support their intent, as I do the 9-12 Project and the tea-parties. The objective is change. The question I have is: What change?

Barack Obama ran on a message of “Change”. America is clearly looking for something. Obama clearly offers  change- from capitalism to socialism. Is that the “change” we are looking for? Not me.

I’m looking for a change- a change in the action of elected officials. I’m not looking for a change in our Constitution; I’m looking for change in how it is read.

I have always been against term limits; I have always believed that terms are limited to two years for Congressmen, and six years for Senators.  The reality is that money is so influential that these limits are irrelevant. In NC Senate District 46, over $1 million was spent- for a seat that earns roughly $15,000 plus a per deim. That makes it clear that holding office is of more worth than one is paid.

The only solution is to limit terms- both at the state level and at the national level.

Granted, with term limits, we will loose some worthwhile representatives, but we will shed more worthless representatives.

GOOOH’s plans will not succeed due to the influence of the dollar. It is only through the grassroots taking full charge of the GOP, that Objective Conservatives will have the opportunity to change the direction of the nation. There are only two party’s that can control enough seats in the Legislature or the US Capital to make a difference.

Independents must recognize this and join with the GOP to move the party to the right, and to hold our elected officials accountable to their votes. Look at the numbers, we are a two party system.

The GOP must also understand that it is time to throw away the “politics” of Dole, Bush and McCain, and stand for what we believe. For an Objective agenda. If we will take a stand now, we will be successful in 2010; if we require those elected to stand to the philosophy, we will be successful in 2012 and put the nation on the right track. If we do not, we are no different from the liberals. If we continue to in-fight, the cause is lost.

I publicly stated that the only difference in McCain and Obama, was the speed in which we drove off the cliff.; the direction was the same.

Let us, as the Grand Old Party, identify ourselves, and then show ourselves to be the party of something different, not more of the same.

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1 Comment for this entry

  • Edward Jacobs

    “Independents must recognize this and join with the GOP to move the party to the right, and to hold our elected officials accountable to their votes.”

    We’re trying!

    “The GOP must also understand that it is time to throw away the “politics” of Dole, Bush and McCain, and stand for what we believe.”

    I couldn’t have said it better myself. More Republicans need to realize this.

    “I publicly stated that the only difference in McCain and Obama, was the speed in which we drove off the cliff.; the direction was the same.”

    Boy, you hit that one out of the park!!!

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