The Radicalness of Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged”

by on Apr.26, 2011, under National

By Dr. Onkar Ghate, senior fellow at the Ayn Rand Center. Published April 25, 2011 at

If you’ve seen the new “Atlas Shrugged” movie but haven’t yet read the book, you may be wondering what the novel itself has to offer.

For most people, reading “Atlas Shrugged” is an unforgettable experience. The story is gripping, involving numerous mysteries and unexpected but logical plot twists. The characters are unique–what other book features a philosopher turned pirate? And the writing is that rarest of combinations: at once clear and deep. But for many readers, “Atlas” is even more: it’s life-changing.

How can a novel exert this powerful an effect? Because in its pages Ayn Rand forces you to look at the world anew… Read the entire article at

Also see:
Movie Trailer
NC and SC Theatres Showing Shrugged
Learn more about Atlas Shrugged
Read Chapters 1 and 2 online
Official Shrugged Movie Page

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