The Election You Don’t Know About

by on Oct.18, 2012, under North Carolina

Early voting starts today. While polls show a number of people who are undecided about their choice, I’ve not found them. As I engage people, they are clearly decided about their choice for President and Governor; but virtually no one knows about the most important race on the ballot.

Years ago, our judicial races were partisan, in other words, the candidates ran as either Republicans or Democrats. At that time, the NC Supreme court was held by a six to one Republican majority. It was obvious that the majority of voters realized Republicans would be tougher on crime, and tend to apply the constitution as written. A few years ago, the General Assembly changed the law, now the races are non-partisan. The voter has no way to know by looking at the ballot the most conservative candidates. Today, the Supreme Court holds a conservative majority by a single vote.

This year, that single vote to uphold the constitution is in jeopardy. Justice Paul Newby is the only justice up for election; no one seems to be aware of the race, or the importance of it. Justice Newby is widely considered to be one of our most effective justices, often writing the opinions of the most complex cases. He is a conservative who has represented NC well on the court.

Simply put, the Supreme Court race for Newby’s seat is the single most important race on the NC ballot. His loss would allow liberal justices to overturn much of the legislation passed by the General Assembly this session, and most assuredly would overturn a Voter ID bill, likely to be signed into law with McCrory as Governor. The importance of this race cannot be overstated.

Additionally, there are three appellate court seats on the ballot. Conservatives Marty McGee (please note, there is another McGee running, Marty is the conservative), David Robinson and Chris Dillon. Each of these will make excellent judges.

The final race in which you may not recognize names is for NC Senate, District 46 and District 47. Due to redistricting, Cleveland is now pared with Burke County, while Rutherford is now a part of a six county district. Senator Warren Daniel currently serves from Burke, and Senator Ralph Hise serves from what will be the new 47th. I have known both men for at least a decade, and served with both in the Senate. They are each men of impeccable character, hard workers, and are excellent Senators. They have my full support for each seat, and I hope they can count on yours as well. It is critical that Warren Daniel and Ralph Hise remain in Raleigh to bring jobs into our area.

In addition to your support for Romney, McHenry and McCrory, Dan Forrest for Lt. Governor; Moore, Hager and Hastings for NC House, and our local Republicans including Ronnie Hawkins, Johnny Hutchins and Susan Allen for Commissioner in Cleveland County, and Greg Lovelace in Rutherford, and I hope you will support the conservative choices for the courts, and Warren Daniel and Ralph Hise for Senate. It is these lesser known races in which you can make a real difference for North Carolina.

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