Archive for March, 2012

Manufacturing an Economic Myth

by on Mar.19, 2012, under National

…if nostalgia were a sound guide to economic policy, we should be building Studebakers and rotary telephones. Neither Santorum nor Obama seems to grasp the realities of manufacturing in 21st-century America. Read the complete article at Reason Magazine…

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Five Leadership Mistakes of the Galactic Empire

by on Mar.12, 2012, under National

Great read from Forbes, particularly for any manager:
…in thinking about Star Wars, let’s leave the prequels behind and focus on the original trilogy. It occurs to me that the Star Wars films have a lot to teach us about leadership styles. In particular, the Galactic Empire strikes me as a quintessential example of how not to effectively run an organization. Let’s take a look at five of the Empire’s biggest mistakes and see how you can avoid them in your own organization. …more


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