Archive for June, 2011

Stimulus to Nowhere- The failure of Obama’s economic agenda

by on Jun.30, 2011, under National

From Steve Chapman and Reason Magazine…

Mired in excruciating negotiations over the budget and the debt ceiling, President Barack Obama might reflect that things didn’t have to turn out this way. The impasse grows mainly out of one major decision he made early on: pushing through a giant stimulus.

When he took office in January 2009, this was his first priority. The following month, Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, with a price tag eventually put at $862 billion.

It was, he said at the time, the most sweeping economic recovery package in our history,” and would “create or save three and a half million jobs over the next two years.”

The president was right about the first claim. As a share of gross domestic output, it was the largest fiscal stimulus program ever tried in this country. But the second claim (more…)

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News from the Strategic Nut Reserve

by on Jun.25, 2011, under Uncategorized

From The Last Embassy:

In a move to boost economic activity the Supreme Squirrel announced from the Oval Patio he has determined that releasing nuts from the Strategic Nut Reserve will alleviate current nut supply problems and drive down the price of nuts. However, the Supreme Squirrel… more

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Dude, Where’s My Freedom?

by on Jun.14, 2011, under National

A good take on Freedom by Dr. Paul Hsieh; from Pajamas Media:

Benjamin Franklin once warned Americans that “they who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security.” Yet in the seemingly unrelated areas of health care and physical security, our political leaders are embracing this folly with predictably bad results.

In the realm of health care, the (continue reading…)

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Atlas Shrugged Part 2, Fall 2012

by on Jun.12, 2011, under National

Atlas Productions, LLC announced today the launch of its official Atlas Shrugged Part 2 Movie Website:

Producer Harmon Kaslow stated “The level of community involvement on the Atlas Shrugged Part 1 Website was tremendous. Site traffic leading up to release day was consistently high – in the 300,000 pageviews per day range. On April 15, 2011, however, the day the movie was released, we amazingly served up over 1.6 million.” (continue reading…)

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