Guest Column: safe, legal and what?

by on Jul.22, 2009, under National

The following presents an excellent argument regarding abortion, and is reprinted with permission from (a site worth a look):

For the libs, a question:  Abortion, we are told, should be “safe, legal and rare.”

Why “rare”?  Why not routine?

When Obama describes abortion as a “heart-wrenching” decision, why is this so?  Why is it any different than trying to pick out a pair of shoes to wear?

You either believe it’s a human life, or you do not.  If you do not believe it’s a human life, then there’s no reason for abortion to be “rare”; no reason for abortion to be a “heart-wrenching” decision.  If you do believe a fetus is a human life, then aborting it is murder.  Period.

One last question: When a woman has consensual sex (safe or otherwise), isn’t she exercising a choice?  And if pregnancy is a logical result of her choice, isn’t it a bit hypocritical to argue that the right to life is an attack on choice?

Liberals wish to argue that abortion is a matter of “choice,” yet in the case of most pregnancies a clear choice has been made to risk conception.  Pregnancy is not a denial or threat to choice, it is merely the reality of that risk.

Finally, there are supposedly two “irreconcilable” positions in play here.  One claims that “it’s not a baby” while at the same time admitting its desire to make abortion “rare.”  The same camp likens the consequences of choices to being denied a choice.

The other viewpoint says abortion is murder, and approaches the matter as such — consistently, and on principle.

I won’t take the position here of when life begins, or whether a fetus is a life worthy of protection.  I don’t need to.  All I need to see is that the liberal position, as usual, is complete rationalization; intellectual dishonesty.

Reconcile that.

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